
Why do Germans convert to Islam? How does it happen that non-believers or Christians come to embrace a religion whose language and semantics they often don’t understand, and whose traditional rites at first glance have little in common with our own cultural heritage? By means of a photographic dialogue I wanted to thematise how Islam is treated in the West both visually and as regards its content and how quickly we fall into tendentious interpretative frameworks when we do so.

.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes
.By Lia Darjes