Cumbersome Relatives

The history of the three monotheistic religions is marked by competition, denigration and rejection. Based on that, discrimination, persecution and bloodshed could be ignited and justified time and again. This series aims to act as a counterbalance to this history of violence, expressing the notion that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are much more influenced by each other that the history of alienation suggests. These photos depict Islam’s relationship with the construed notion of a Judaeo-Christian occident.

Crescent-Cross: The cross on the altar throws a shadow in the shape of a crescent. The light as the symbol of God makes the bond between both religions visible.By Georg Wenz
Affection: Two Muslim women look on the depiction of Maria and Jesus. The poster hangs in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul – a former church and mosque – and portrays the Holy Mother and her Son in the style of Orthodox imagery.By Georg Wenz
Headgear: A Muslim woman visits a synagogue in Mainz. Veil and kippa as an expression of piety and decency towards God suggest closeness between the Jewish and Muslim concept of mankind.By Georg Wenz
Abraham’s supper: Abraham urged three passers-by to join him for supper. They turned out to be emissaries of God. Following Abraham’s example, hospitality plays a huge role in all three religions. By Georg Wenz
The pleasure of wine: Wine plays an important role in all three religions–in this world and the other. The theological views on the ritualistic use differ considerably. Accepting this kind of differences in daily interaction is the key to mBy Georg Wenz
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image: The inaccessibility of God is the unifying bond between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This renders human opinions fallible – and available to criticism and dialogue.By Georg Wenz